Lemon Balm Clinic – Your Health and Wellness Clinic in Katoomba

Lemon Balm Clinic has been providing natural therapies and caring holistic practitioners in Katoomba, for the Blue Mountains community since 2008.

Exciting changes in 2021 brought new management to the clinic. Tania Grasseschi has been dedicated to natural therapies and holistic health care for the whole family for the last 2 decades in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and has now relocated her full time practice to Lemon Balm Clinic Katoomba. Tania is excited to continue her caring and successful work for all clients in the Blue Mountains.

With Tania at the helm Lemon Balm clinic is expanding its natural health services. Research has shown that a multi-modal approach to health management delivers the most effective results, compared to a single modality on its own. This means that multi-modality clinics like Lemon Balm Clinic, offering natural therapies and caring holistic practitioners in Katoomba, are in a unique position to offer you and your family the best quality healthcare all under one roof.

Tania’s commitment to health and wellbeing has been recognised by Randwick City Business Excellence awards and her cherished patients that have been her number one priority.  Excellence in holistic health care in the Blue Mountains is the mission of Lemon Balm Clinic. We are proud to be a Winner in the 2022 Western Sydney Awards for Business Excellence (WSABE) and a Finalist in the Blue Mountains Local Business Awards 2022 and 2023.


Holistic Medicine Practitioners

Our qualified and experienced practitioners in Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Massage, Bowen Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Inner Space Techniques (IST), Trauma informed Psychotherapy and Private Subconscious-mind Healing (PSH) offer you and your family great health naturally with evidence-based treatments, integration of traditional therapies and referrals as appropriate for your needs.  Moreover, these therapies provide a solid basis for the maintenance of good health and the prevention of disease for body and mind as a whole.

Our Practitioners:
Tania Grasseschi – Acupuncture and Chinese medicine
Jennifer Craig – Gestalt Therapy and Trauma-informed Psychotherapy
Takako Jawor – IST (Inner Space Techniques) and Remedial Massage
Elyssa Mackie -Remedial Massage
Kim Nelson – Craniosacral Therapy and Reflexology
Marga van de Reyt – Bowen Therapy and Reiki
Angelique Young – PSH (Private Subconscious-Mind Healing)

For further information on natural therapies and holistic health care in Katoomba or any enquiries please contact Tania Grasseschi on 0412152928.

Inner Space Techniques

Holistic Medicine Practitioners

Tania Grasseschi acupuncture

Tania Grasseschi

Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Proprietor of Lemon Balm Clinic

Tania Grasseschi offers a holistic approach to transforming your health naturally using acupuncture, Chinese herbs, wholefood counselling and qigong. She has over 19 years of clinical experience and 6 years of lecturing Chinese medicine at tertiary level.

Tania is passionate about helping women transform their health so they are energised to achieve their dreams. Her holistic care using the wisdom of Chinese medicine can give relief from your menstrual problems and help you pass through menopause gracefully, it can aid you in your dream of starting a family by addressing fertility issues, and supporting you through pregnancy and beyond. These are just some of the benefits of acupuncture treatments.

Tania also teaches Qigong classes at Blackheath Fitness centre on Friday afternoons.

Tania is available in clinic on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Contact her today for an appointment.

Jennifer Craig psychotherapy

Jennifer Craig

Gestalt Therapist and Psychotherapist

Jennifer Craig offers trauma-informed psychotherapy and Gestalt therapy, which is a holistic, body-aware form of talk therapy. Through a gentle process that supports individuals becoming more mindfully aware of habitual patterns and triggered responses, she helps them settle and resolve the effects of chronic trauma. She specialises in eating disorders, dissociation, self-harm and addiction as well as supporting people through feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and relationship issues.

Jennifer is also certified in Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST). This is an important emerging treatment for individuals who have been struggling with the effects of complex and chronic trauma — often for many decades. From Jennifer’s baseline offering of Gestalt therapy, she empowers people to take an active and self-compassionate role in their own recovery.

Jennifer is available in clinic on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Contact her today for an appointment.

Elyssa Mackie

Remedial Massage Therapist

Elyssa Mackie offers Remedial and Relaxation Massage Therapy, as well as Aromatherapy. She is a seasoned Massage Therapist with 20 years of experience. She blends remedial and relaxation techniques to nurture the individual towards a greater sense of well-being.

Elyssa is dedicated to inclusivity and warmly caters to clients from all walks of life, including pregnancy, the elderly and those with disability. Her goal is to create a safe and comfortable space for everyone to receive the many physical and emotional benefits of massage.

Massage therapy is particularly beneficial for musculoskeletal pain, anxiety and depression, headaches, arthritis, as well as providing time for relaxation, self-care and therapeutic touch.

Health Fund rebates are available for Remedial Massage

Elyssa is available in clinic on Tuesdays. Contact her today for an appointment.

Bowen therapy

Marga van de Reyt

Bowen Therapist

Marga van de Reyt offers Bowen Therapy, a well-known form of body work in which very subtle cross fibre moves are performed over muscles, nerves, and soft connective tissue (fascia) in specific sequences separated by short rest periods.  The moves can be applied over skin or light clothing and involve no manipulation. The treatment is suitable for all age groups.

Bowen moves produce a powerful healing response in the body, not only affecting the musculoskeletal system but also the fascia, nervous system, and internal organs.  It is through a reset of the nervous system, from sympathetic (fight or flight) to parasympathetic (rest and relaxation), that the body can start the healing process, correcting dysfunction and restoring balance on a holistic level. This can produce relief from pain, stress, and illness, regardless of the cause.

Clients with a new injury often respond immediately, while those with long term problems can experience dramatic improvement after the first few treatments.

Marga has an extensive nursing and midwifery background, and she has found Bowen Therapy to be the perfect complement to the skills she developed in those years.  She would love to assess you and make an individualized treatment plan to improve your health and wellbeing.

Marga is available in clinic on Mondays. Contact her today for an appointment.

Kim Nelson Craniosacral therapy reflexology

Kim Nelson

Reflexology and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Kim Nelson offers Reflexology and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

Kim has been a practicing reflexologist for over 20yrs. She incorporates foot mobilisation techniques, fascia release, lymphatic drainage, and face reflexology into her reflexology treatments. Reflexology is deeply relaxing and brings greater balance and calm to the individual.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy uses gentle hand holds as a method of communicating and listening to your body. As a craniosacral therapist, Kim invites the body to show her it’s potential for health. She is looking for respiration within the tissues, bones, blood, organs etc.

It’s like listening to an orchestra and sensing if any instruments are off-key, then facilitating a space for those parts of your body to come into a harmonious relationship with the whole.

The cells of our body carry all sorts of life stories, and this therapy often provides the unique environment for trauma/stress release.
Being present with another’s lifeforce provides a wonderful opportunity for healing and embodiment.

Kim is available in clinic on Fridays. Contact her today for an appointment.

Takako Jawor

Inner Space Technique practitioner and Remedial Massage Therapist

Takako Jawor offers a systematic approach to wellbeing, offering both Remedial Massage, focusing on relieving physical tension /discomfort, and Inner Space Techniques (IST) addressing the roots of physical problems within the deep psyche.

With a keen focus on relieving physical tension, her Remedial Massage provides immediate relief. While, IST, a transformative mindfulness dialogue, delves into the depths of meditation, addressing the roots of physical, mental, and emotional issues. IST is particularly beneficial for chronic pain, stress or fatigue.

Takako’s approach extends beyond temporary relief, offering solutions that spark transformation in life. Embrace a journey of profound self-discovery, inner balance, and lasting well-being with Takako’s unique fusion of hands-on therapy and transformative mindfulness

Takako has a nursing background both in Japan and Australia, as well as over 10 years experience as a remedial massage therapist.

Takako holds FREE workshops monthly to demonstrate the benefits of IST.
Phone her for the latest dates.

Takako is available in clinic on Saturdays. Contact her today for an appointment.

Angelique Young

P.S.H. (Private Subconscious-mind Healing) Therapist

Angelique Young offers a gentle, non intrusive approach to healing unresolved, persistent negative emotions to help restore a balance of health and wellbeing.

P.S.H. (Private Subconscious-mind Healing) is an innovative approach to therapy, which utilises an evidence based understanding of natural subconscious processes. It is designed to help clients to access their own inner resources, enabling them to resolve unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns. Angelique guides you to that part of your inner resources that has the ability to deal with the underlying causes, within the privacy of the subconscious. The P.S.H. model recognizes that it is not necessary to reveal what is often intensely personal and private information, in order for inner change to occur — hence the incorporation of the word ‘private’ into the name.

Angelique has a background in support work and mental health, as well as having personally experienced the benefits of the P.S.H. approach herself.

Angelique is available in clinic on Tuesdays. Contact her today for an appointment.

99 Lurline St, Katoomba 2780

Country of Dharug and Gundungurra peoples

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